Thursday, October 09, 2008

Into the Wild

Watching "Into the Wild" I felt myself longing for that material-less existence, connection with nature, appreciation of life. And I wondered how one can reconcile these desires with the desire, the need, for continuous interpersonal relationships (through family, love, work). Not everyone can just drop everything and live the life Christopher lived for two years, or perhaps they can, but that isn't the life I want, nor do I think that's ultimately the life Christopher wanted, afterall, it was his Great Alaskan Adventures, and adventures are meant to be temporary.
There is something beautiful in experiencing the world alone. Meeting people, overcoming obstacles, fears, loneliness... but in the end the role that it plays in our evolving is what we long to share with those we love.
For who are we if not in relation to others, to 'society'? Even Chris's identity was built upon his disconnect from a society he couldn't embrace, whether intentionally or not. It was his very relationship to society, culture, humanity that made him stand out.
Of course it was more than that. We are all more than that. We are everything with and without our surroundings, and at the same time we are nothing...
How do we live within society without buying into it? How do we take just what we need without forgetting the difference between need and want? How do we keep our lives simple?
And how to we remember to, as Ron put it, forgive and love those dear to us so that the light can shine upon us?
Perhaps it's learning to love and accept those who are around us and that which surrounds us.
Christopher concludes, as he prepares for his imminent death, "HAPPINESS IS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED".

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