As I explore the blogo-sphere I find myself drawn to blogger profiles. It's the little things that tells us, without reading the whole blog, who the blogger is.
Often I smile and move on. Occasionally it, and not the first post, is what gets me reading the blog. I've found that I like reading people's 100 lists... and it's actually reading the lists in which I relate to almost nothing that I realize the potential such a list has in giving a glimpse into who we are.
So here's my
100 50... in no particular order.
1. I don't believe in astrology but I'm a gemini and well, I believe in geminis.
2. I self-designed my BA in human rights.
3. I have been to 11 countries. Israel, U.S.A., Canada, Holland, France, India, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, and Jordan.
4. I have a tattoo... perhaps I'll blog about it.
5. I have a brother, he's 6 years my junior.
6. I love both cats and dogs.
7. I've been in love three times. Each made me believe in "love-at-first-sight".
8. I did a 5 day scuba diving course in the Red Sea when I was 16.
9. I spent my sophomore year of high school abroad.
10. I minored in studio arts, my focus was photography. I love darkrooms and the smell of film.
11. I have been meditating and doing yoga every morning for the last 6.5 years.
12. I have been living in Israel since summer 2004. I miss my family and friends in the states tremendously.
13. I believe in reincarnation, and soul-mates...not the hollywood take on it.
14. I live in the desert, here's the view from my bedroom window:
On an exceptionally clear day you can see the mountains of Jordan in the far distance.
15. I've been a vegetarian for as long as I can remember. As a kid I was grossed out at the thought of eating the flesh of a living being (still am). Today I see other issues as well.
16. I spent a semester during undergrad living in San Francisco in a
historical mansion then owned by my east coast college. Classes were held in the living room, and meals, cooked by our incredible gay chef were held in the dining room. For the first time in my life I felt that I had found a city I could spend my life in; and then I understood I had never felt that before. Needless to say I <3 S.F.
17. While in S.F. I interned at Amnesty International. I was responsible for the film festival. I learned a lot.
18. I'm lactose intolerant.
19. I fantasize about one day getting rid of everything I own and living a minimalist lifestyle.
20. I am a big time procrastinator.
21. It took me five years and backpacking through India alone to realize that I wanted to go back to school for Social Work. I work with at-risk youth and I absolutely adore them.
22. I have not had a television (aside from 8 months I spend living with my parents when I went back to the states) in almost 10 years. My life is the better for it. I don't miss it and cannot imagine my life with it.
23. I love the beach. Particularly the sea. Specifically the Mediterranean.
24. I love movies.
25. I have 10 aunts/uncles on my mothers side and 2 on my fathers...which means dozens of cousins.
26. I do not drink or smoke (anything). But I used to do both.
27. I love hiking and being outdoors...especially in Israel where you're not limited to organized campgrounds that feel less like being in nature and more like being in someones back yard with other campers. And I can set up my own tent, but thanks for offering.
28. If I could have one superpower it would be flying (superman speed)... space, freedom, energy... and then I could visit everyone I miss in just moments.
29. I'm exhausted, so I'm going to go to sleep and continue tomorrow.
30. I love long drives.
31. I love wide open spaces.
32. I don't believe in regret. I think it's a social construction that keeps us from growing and learning for the future. We wouldn't be who we are without all the "mistakes" we make along the way.
33. When I was little I wanted to be an astronaut. I dream of going to space. But even if I had billions I do not think I could justify a
space-tourist trip.
34. I'm Jewish and I enjoy celebrating holidays with family and friends... but I believe in eastern philosophy and spirituality.
35. I love traveling, I want to see the world, and I cannot think of a place I would not go if given the opportunity. On top of my (VERY) long list of places are: Morocco, Greece, Japan, Nepal, Costa Rica, Finland, New Zealand, Georgia (the country), Spain, Egypt, Ethiopia...
36. I love sun-showers in the summer. (Though here in Israel it rains only in the winter).
37. I want to learn how to hang-glide.
38. I'd like to go up in a hot-air balloon.
39. Roni, in hebrew, means "my joy". It's unisex. Every guy (and many girls) I met after moving to Israel, upon hearing my name, would sing me the popular 1979 song "
Roni" where a guy sings to his girlfriend Roni who is leaving him. The first time I heard the song on the radio I already knew all the words. The chorus goes: "Roni, don't go, the sun won't shine upon me if you are not beside me."
40. I went to Trinity College in CT.
41. I cannot study while listening to music. I used to think this was a bad thing, till a friend recently told me it meant I have musical hearing. Not sure what it means, but it sounded good.
42. I LOVE gummy candy and prefer it over chocolate anyday!
43. I want to be a third grade teacher, an interior designer, a photographer, and a social worker. I'm working on that last one now...
44. A true gemini I tend to see the benefit of all options before me, which makes me pretty indecisive.
45. And yet I regret nothing life. I believe regret is a social construct which keeps us from learning and taking responsibility.
46. While I regret nothing there are definately things I will not be telling my children, or parents for that matter about.
47. I want to go to Burning Man. I was supposed to go a few years ago...but stuff happened.
48. i have had 10 piercings done, one was redone twice, and another redone once (so i've actually been pierced 13 times).
49. I type about 94 words per minute.
50. perhaps i'll finish this at some point...