Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sex in the media

Web-surfing, I finished reading an article about a 15 year old girl gang-raped by five young men.
Five minutes later I stumbled upon an article on Madonna's "Girl Gone Wild" video with a youtube link at the end, and I watched it. Aside from admiring the editing, some of the effects, and the very limited choreography...I kept wondering how the 15 year old from the previous article would feel watching a woman chained at her hands and feet being groped, kissed, licked...by five men.
I'm by no means conservative, but I couldn't shake the thought that the media (as a whole) just doesn't take responsibility for the messages they relay to their biggest audience (teenagers). Like in the previous post (about the impact of underweight and airbrushed models on body image), I wonder what message Madonna's video sends out to young girls watching her sing about being a bad girl as she "willingly" lets five different men simultaneously paw at her. I question the term willingly, because how willing is it when she's completely chained up?
What do you think?


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